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Second Friday Nighters

A gathering of people with patio string lights in the forefront.

Please join us for Second Friday Nighters — a long-standing tradition at UU Wausau! Sometimes, a fun-filled intergenerational evening in our very own church atrium, and other times, a privately hosted adult-only event.

Congregation members Karen Wentz, LeeAnn & Greg Venne, Laura Syring and Jerry Phelan are teaming up for the October Second Friday Nighters gathering.

What IS Second Friday Nighters?  A long-standing tradition at UU Wausau! Sometimes, a fun-filled intergenerational evening in our very own church atrium, and other times, a privately hosted adult-only event.  Join us for good conversation with friends!

When: Friday, October 11, 2024, 6 – 8 pm

Where: 1028 Easthill Place, Wausau WI 54403

What and why:  Socialize and enjoy some food together. Please bring a hearty appetizer to share. Beverages will be provided. This month’s event is adults only.

Special suggested challenge: Come on October 11th prepared to spend no more than 17% of your time discussing the election (yep, that’ll be hard with 3.5 weeks to go). Instead, contemplate and discuss the 250-year-old observation of Samuel Johnson:  “How small, of all that human hearts endure, that part which laws or kings can cause or cure.”

Then on Saturday, as the spirit moves you, go knock on doors, make those calls, and bend all those ears!

If you have any questions please email admin@uuwausau.org or call 715-842-3697.