Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Meaning, Morals, Logic and Awe

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Meaning, Morals, Logic and Awe - The Rev. Suzelle Lynch preaching Do you eschew all belief in the supernatural, yet still feel a deep sense of meaning when you experience the wonders of nature?  Do you affirm that even though science and reason explain most matters, there are still things that inspire awe?  Do you...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

A Season Best Savored Slowly

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

A Season Best Savored Slowly – The Rev’d Brian Mason preaching Being an adult is cool, but only kinda. For starters, holidays aren’t quite as simple as they once were. Loss, stress, war, cultural nihilism, bifocals, taxes, winter. But then, lest we forget, there’s also Dolly Parton, Oreos, laser tag, and seeds planted somewhere waiting...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Dec. 31: Beginnings and Endings – Melody Moberg, preaching “In the beginning.” Cycles of death and rebirth. “Beginnings and endings” is a striking title some Unitarian Universalist religious educators use to categorize world religion creation stories and stories about the end of the world.   On this New Year’s Eve, as we stand on the...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

A Life Distilled – Brian Mason, preaching Because life happens, the best New Year’s resolutions are about distilling how we hope to approach life. This Sunday we’ll talk about a few of those paths. Join Us On Sundays For Services That Inform & Inspire Sermons at UU Wausau encompass many topics, but always with the...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Trapped – The Rev. Brian Mason, preaching. Many of us have stuck with things because we felt trapped. We had ample evidence suggesting it wouldn’t end well, that we wouldn’t enjoy it (whatever it is), that it’d bring us down and yet we stuck with it as if it was a sentence rendered by a...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

This I Believe - Led by the Worship & Music Committee We all have beliefs that help guide us. During the service, three members of the congregation will share their thoughts on what they believe. In preparation they considered how their beliefs developed, evolved, and changed, what influenced their belief development, and in what ways their...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Protect Me From What I Want - The Rev. Brian Mason, preaching Join us as we talk about desires and their impact on our spiritual journey. In a world pushing us to chase what we want, we'll ponder if our cravings line up with our spiritual growth. We’ll explore the balance between desire and mindfulness,...

Event Series Sunday Worship & Social Hour

Sunday Worship And Glorified Coffee Hour

UU Wausau 504 Grant Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Is Your Soul Frostbitten? - The Rev. Brian Mason, preaching When resigning his pastorate, Ralph Waldo Emerson quipped that Unitarianism was like a “cold corpse.” The rub being that it was too individualistic and intellectual. That approach may have benefited the individual, but not the community, especially communities concerned about carrying on our religious tradition....