Volunteer Opportunity · Community Supper
February 2 All day
The Methodist Church has volunteered to hold community suppers. Past practice has been to prepare the food in someone’s home, using large roasters from the Presbyterian Church, or making it at the church. Two to three volunteers are also needed to assemble the food in containers at the church before distributing them to drive-up customers. Typically, 100 meals are prepared.
Sept. 1, Oct. 6, and Nov. 3 (2024). The time commitment would be from 3:30 to 5:15 pm.
Our church generously provides meals four times a year, the first Sundays in September, October, November & February.
Any church member interested in helping with these meals can complete this form.
A special thanks to many of you who have been very generous in providing homemade desserts for distribution and who helped with distribution.
*This post has been lightly edited for length