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UU Goods & Services Auction Meeting

January 14 @ 11:45 am 1:45 pm

The Auction is Coming!  The Auction is Coming!
Goods & Services Auction 2024

Prior to COVID, every two years First UU held an auction.  In the past this Spring event has been an in-person evening of fabulous food, socialization and auction offerings.  It has been a great opportunity to spend time with new and old UU friends in a fun social setting.  Proceeds have gone to general operating funds or specific projects for the church.  Your participation has been a fun way to help fund our expanded programs, expanded outreach, expanded lay leadership, expanded community, and expanded consciousness. 
We have raised this money when YOU (church members and friends) donated goods, skills and services and others bid on your offerings. 
Examples of past donations include:

  • Guided outings (hiking, camping, canoeing, boat picnics)
  • Theme dinners (Thai, Finnish, Indian, Mystery, Valentine’s Day, etc.)
  • Food (dessert-a-month, soup/bread Sunday suppers, cooking classes, homemade wine)
  • “Educational” events (yoga lessons, dance lessons, local micro-brewery beer-tasting party)
  • “Real” services (carpentry, tutoring, legal services, golf lessons, landscaping, music lessons, computer help, pet sitting, handyman help)
  • Cottage or vehicle use
  • Goods (artwork, jewelry, summer flower bouquet-of-the-month, pottery, antique furniture, firewood)

So, what is the plan this year?  That is what we need to decide.  What do we want our next auction to look like?  Keep it the same as the past?  Make changes? 
Our first auction exploratory committee will be held on Sunday, January 14 at 11:45 in Yawkey Hall at the First UU Church of Wausau (504 Grant Street). 

Anyone with interest in being part of this discussion is welcome to join this meeting.